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Mini Facelift


                                          A popular procedure for young patients

As our skin becomes less elastic with age and effects of sun exposure, we may develop loose and unsightly skin folds and wrinkles around the chin, jaw line and neck.

The Mini Facelift doesn’t just correct the skin, but also the muscles, the subcutaneous fat and the connective tissue of the face and the jaw line!


Trough an incision in the hairline and in the natural fold of the skin in front of the ear, the surgeon tightens the skin, corrects the subcutaneous tissues and elevates the weakened muscles.
The surgeon uses a number of loops, which support of the subcutaneous tissues during the healing period. These loops are dissolvable and disappear as soon as they are no longer required. This prevents late rejection of the stitches. The correction of the subcutaneous tissue and muscles lifts your skin in a natural way.


Modern Mini Facelift has a natural, rejuvenating result because the traction on the facial tissues runs in a vertical way, contrary to the horizontal traction of some old techniques of Mini Facelift, which give a loss of depth in the face.
The tension on the skin and the subcutaneous tissues runs in an upward and not in a sideward direction. Thus a "too tightened" appearance is avoided and a natural rejuvenation is achieved.


Most scars from a Mini Facelift are hard to see once they heal. According to Dr. Husami, the latest technique places the scar inside the ear not in front of it like it used to be years ago.  Thanks to this new method, scars will not show and the patient is ready to go out without having to hide anything. There is another incision beneath your chin. Your scars can be camouflaged with make-up within three weeks and should fade beyond detection in one to three months.


The treatment is possible under local anesthesia or, under intravenous sedation.
Recovery period
After one week the stitches are removed. From this moment you can, with some make-up, resume your social activities. During two weeks after the surgery the face will be a bit blue and swollen. The vitamins, which are prescribed before the operation, help to speed up recovery.
Side effects
Temporary discomfort, bruising, and numbness, but usually pain is minimal.


INTERVIEW with Dr. Tarek Husami
For patients who want to achieve more youthful appearances without undergoing extensive plastic surgery, Dr. Tarek Husami answers all the frequently asked questions regarding Mini Facelift wish has several advantages over the traditional face lift, including smaller incisions and a shorter recovery time. The Mini Face lift is usually sought by patients who simply desire a “touch-up” treatment in a specific area of concern.
Although it cannot reverse or stop the aging process, a face lift can greatly reduce the appearance of wrinkles and creases, especially those that form around the nose and mouth. The face lift procedure focuses specifically on the lower half of the face, targeting the cheeks, mouth, and jaw line to create a younger, smoother appearance. Mini Facelift surgery involves the removal of excess fat, the tightening of underlying muscles and membranes, and the tightening and removal of loose or sagging skin.


•              What is the difference between a Mini Facelift and a Full Facelift?
 .Mini Facelift deals with cheek and neck while Full Facelift includes forehead.
•              At what age a Mini Facelift should be considered?
. Starting at early 40’s, the soonest Minilift is made the better. It prevents aging.
•              Why should we consider a Mini facelift at an earlier age?
.it gives better result at early age
 •             Does a Mini Facelift corrects all or a filling sometimes is needed?
it might need filling along face lift sometimes
•              Are there any other surgeries to complement a Mini facelift?
. Correcting eyes, nose or lips with Mini Facelift can be done only IF needed
•              How long the results of a Mini Facelift last?
. Result lasts around 10 years
•              How many years does it bring us back?
. It brings you back 10 years
•              What are the disadvantages of a Mini Facelift?
. A bad result is to be considered if the procedure is done by a non professional and inexperienced surgeon.  In order not to have complications, the patient should stop aspirin one week before and have normal blood pressure.
•              Does the lifting of the muscles in a Mini facelift is necessary?
. Lifting the muscles is a must in order to give a natural effect.
•              Once we have a Mini facelift do we have to repeat it after few more years?
. Can do a touch up after 10 years.
•              What are some of the risks associated with Mini Facelift surgery?
. Risks are minimal if the patient follows the surgeon instructions.