Seulemen Pour VIP

“A smile is like an instant facelift
and an instant mood lift.”
Christie Brinkley


Unpredictable and uncontrollable swings of mood

Moody people are, most of the time, annoying and frustrating. Their sudden swings of unpleasant moods end up negatively affecting them as well as their friends and family members.

Having different tempers is normal when these changes are related to modifications in life circumstances or when exposed to certain situations;
But when those swings of mood are unpredictable and not triggered by any condition, then they are considered as capricious bad temper sways.

There are many reasons why people are moody. One of the most common causes is a person’s level of introversion and extroversion. It is wrong to believe that extroversion and introversion are inversely associated.


Being moody isn't something those afflicted with mood swings choose.
Moody persons may be going through a difficult stage in their lives; they may be exhausted, ill, chronically worried, or lacking what they need in terms of love, sleep, challenge, or security.
Such people need to be listened to, supported, and cared for.

Teenage years are a classic time for moodiness. Because of youth and rebellious hormones, the teen may not have learned to deal with their emotions and to have self-control and mood management.
This period usually lasts until adulthood, around age 21, at which time the young adult becomes better at thinking and impulse control.

Moodiness from overload is one of the most common figures especially that responsible people are usually confronted with more duties that they can handle. They should be reconsidering their stock of obligations and commitments that shape their daily life and that may lead them to swings of moods.
For instance, some persons are “the friend” that everyone relies on very laudable role. However, constantly answering frantic calls from people, in addition to professional work and duties at home, might be causing hidden stress even though one is happy with this routine.

Some persons use their moodiness as a tool of manipulation that allows controlling the people around.
They try to gain attention, influence, power or status and won't stop until either moodiness no longer confers these 'benefits' or they start to meet these needs in more mature ways.

Some people are constantly focused on the negative in their lives. They don’t want to suffer alone and are constantly irritable and nagging.
These people throw their negative vibes to their environment like a virus. Whoever exposed to them will become miserable. Just like happiness is contagious…so is crankiness.

Habitually moody people routinely prioritize their own feelings over and above others feelings. They may not be able to stand, confront or accept any person around them having pain, grief or happiness.
This emotional non-sharing “unconcern” is a kind of greed.

Mood-Improving Food
Eating regularly anti-inflammatory nutrients helps regulating stress and energy. Additionally, easing up on sugar, alcohol, and caffeine intake will help making body energy level more consistent throughout the day. Both of these will automatically eliminate many possible causes of moodiness.

• Eggs
• Green tea
• Warm milk
• 70% Dark chocolate
• Walnuts
• Avocados
• Asparagus
• Dark, leafy greens

Sleeping Habits
Studies have shown that after only a few days of shortened sleep, many people experience worsened mood and decreased ability to regulate negative emotions.

Vitamin D
It contributes to all sorts of functions that ultimately regulate mood, like regulating the immune system and releasing neurotransmitters that affect brain function and development.

Herbs for Controlling Mood
Herbal medicines can be very powerful for regulating the bodily functions that contribute to alter mood and control mood swings.

• Passionflower
• Ginseng
• Rhodiola Rosea
• Kava Kava