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“High on drugs; lower on self estime.”









Hashish, or hash, is a drug made from the flowers, leaves and stems of cannabis. It is composed of compressed or purified preparations of stalked resin glands.

Hashish Vs Marijuana

Hashish Vs Marijuana
Both hashish and marijuana, also called weed, pot or ganja, are made from the female cannabis plant. But the process and the results of each are very different.

The major difference between the two is that the term “weed” usually applies to dried pieces of the plant, while hash is a paste from resin, or sap of the plant.
The active ingredient in hash is the same as the active ingredient in marijuana, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); however, the concentration of THC in hashish is much higher than it is in marijuana.


Weed is essentially an unprocessed form of marijuana, which includes the leaves and buds of the Cannabis sativa. The only preparation of weed is drying the leaves and buds.


Hash, which is short for hashish extracted with solvents, is a preparation of marijuana made from the resin of the buds of either type of the Cannabis plant.


Hash Oil is an even more concentrated form of hashish and may have as high as 20% concentrations of THC, per the Drug Enforcement Administration.


In general, the detection windows for THC in a urine test can be up to the following amount of time:
One use: 3 days
Moderate use (4 times a week): 5 days
Daily use: 10 days
Daily use over an extended period of time: 30 days
THC can also be stored in hair follicles, where it may be detected for up to 90 days.
This long elimination period is of concern for a medical marijuana user who may need to take a urine drug screen.



Cannabis has psychological and physiological effects on the human body.

Hash’s Short-Term Effects
• Relaxation.
• Feeling of well-being or happiness.
• Enhanced emotional experiences.
• Vivid sensual experiences including vision, hearing, and taste.
• The sense that time moves slower.
• Distortion of time and space.
• Feeling of passiveness.
• Relief of anxiety.
• Increased sociability.
• Reduction in fear and behavioral inhibitions.
• Performance improvement

Hash Physical Side Effects

Fatigue, paranoia, depression, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, extreme sleepiness, sensory distortions, changes in respiration, anxiety, panic attacks, confusion, increased appetite and weight gain, nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, impairment in attention and concentration, loss of motor coordination and poor decision-making, increased heartbeat and blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular issues (e.g., heart attack).


Relieves pain
Treats PTSD
Soothes tremors
Prevents cancer
Enhances appetite
Reduces glaucoma
Improves heart health
Increases sleep longevity
Protects brain after stroke
Slows Alzheimer’s disease
Relieves anxiety and stress
Relieves arthritis discomfort
Eases multiple sclerosis pain
Helps control epileptic seizures
Treats inflammatory bowel diseases

The first step toward treating hash addiction symptoms is to stop using hash entirely. Hash withdrawal symptoms may vary in severity and typically fade over time.

Sources: ncbi, drugabuse, narconon, verywellmind, projectknow, cbd-international