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“Nature is the art of God.”
Dante Alghieri




Weight loss is not just about food, exercise and going fat-free and carb-free. It is a chemical reaction inside the body where minerals play a crucial role.

Chromium helps reduce hunger cravings by stabilizing blood glucose levels and by increasing insulin effects. It also changes how the body stores carbohydrates.
Nuts, seeds, eggs, hard cheese, fish, lean poultry, cacao, vegetables and leafy greens are the best sources of Chromium.

Essential for the nervous system, blood sugar, bones, heartbeat and digestion. It controls sweet cravings and treats muscle cramps and constipation.
Magnesium is found in cacao, leafy greens, bananas, squash and pumpkin seeds, fish (Mackerel), beans, lentils, and low-fat dairy.

Lack of iron results in anemia and constant fatigue leading to lack of exercise and difficulty working out.
Mollusks, liver (pork, chicken, lamb and beef), lean protein meats, beans, lentils and dark leafy greens are a good source of iron.

It promotes hormonal balance in the body, especially testosterone and it is very important for women nearing menopause. It also helps protein production, assists with enzyme regulation and helps keeping the immune system working efficiently. Zinc deficieancy includes hair loss, skin lesions, diarrhea and acne.
Zinc is found in seafood, beef, lamb, wheat germ, all leafy greens, nuts, cacao, lean poultry, mushrooms, beans, seeds and eggs.

It regulates blood pressure levels and has been shown to help lose weight and increase muscle mass. It also calms nerves and fights fat.
Calcium is found in dark leafy greens (watercress), Chinese cabbage (pak choi, bok choy), fortified soy products (tofu), okra, broccoli, almonds and fish canned (sardines in oil with bones). Low-fat dairy products and proteins. Almond & Soy milk, chia seeds, tofu, canned salmon, legumes, and leafy greens.