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"Our bodies are our gardens ,

“If slaughterhouses had glass walls
the whole world would be vegetarian.”

Paul McCartney








The philosophy around going meatless or adopting a vegetarian lifestyle has become increasingly popular.


Is it the era trend, a convulsive wave that will crash on the shore after several back and forth? A result of boredom? A need to be distinguished? By compassion for animals? Or simply an urge to eat healthier?

“Vegetarian” broadly refers to those who restrict consumption of animal products like meat, fish, poultry etc., and largely rely on plant based foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains, dairy, pulses etc., for living.

The Rumor:
Vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters.

The Verdict:
Vegetarian diets can be unhealthy if you’re not careful.

A vegetarian diet doesn’t necessarily lead to weight loss.

Unrealistic expectations:
There are no good data proving that simply being vegan, as an isolated behavior, improves health.
There has to be a balance of diet, exercise and a proper fitness regime.

For the sake of animals, through watching a movie or simply by being convinced about their choice.

imitating your partner or friends, hoping that vegetarianism will bring you closer.



They do not consume animal products or animal by-products like meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk products, honey etc...
They also choose not to use products that come from animals like silk, fur, wool, leather for commercial use.


They don’t consume meat, poultry, fish or eggs, but they readily consume milk and milk products like yogurt, and cheese.

They avoid meat, poultry, fish and dairy but allow themselves to consume eggs.

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian:
People under this level restrict meat, poultry and fish. However, they consume eggs as well as dairy. This is the most common type of vegetarians across the globe.


• Improves colon health:
Fibers present in a plant-based vegetarian diet helps to maintain a healthy colon by improving the good bacteria within it.

• Improves the heart rate:
A vegetarian diet can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, aiding in the prevention of heart disease.

• Reduces risk of kidney stones:
A diet high in animal proteins leads the body to excrete calcium, oxalate and uric acid.

• Reduces risk of Cancer:
Vegetarians show up to 40% less chance of developing cancer. Consuming enough fruits and vegetables as part of a vegetarian diet will help build up strong immunity and fight cancer cells.

• Lowers risk of Diabetes:
Vegetarian diets, rich in whole grains, nuts, legumes and fibers, improve the glycemic control in the people who already have diabetes.

• Capable of delivering complete nutrition:
When vegetarian meals are optimally planned, all essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals can be supplied to the body. USDA and FAO of UN state that “meat is not an essential part of healthy diet.”

• Weight loss:
Vegetarian diet being high in fiber and low in fat helps one to reduce weight or at least prevent gaining those extra pounds from the high fat non vegetarian food.

• Ethical view-point:
Merciless killing of animals in the name of producing a food supply is on the rise. The less demand there will be for meat products, the fewer animals will be raised for slaughter.


• Lack of Nutrition:
Strict vegans/vegetarians might be missing on some of the nutrients like Omega 3 fatty acids (crucial for brain function), Vitamin B12, Vitamin D (crucial for bone health).
Meeting protein needs gets hard if meals aren’t planned well.

• May not be a healthy choice:

Vegetarianism doesn’t automatically mean we have made a healthy choice as it largely depends on the meal choices we makes.
A vegetarian diet can possibly be harmful meal choices.

• Use of herbicides and pesticides:
Chemicals residues are found in the plant and can find its way to the human body.

• The Notion that Vegetarians live longer is a myth:
Choosing unhealthy vegetarian meals coupled with a faulty lifestyle like excessive smoking, frequent drinking and lack of physical activity can decrease life expectancy. (Animal protein or no animal protein)

• Difficulty when dining out:
Not many restaurants offer true vegan choices and this can make dining out complicated.

• Depression:
People and friends always gather around food and family lunch. Turning into vegetarian will put limits to these gatherings.