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“Let the beauty of what you love
be what you do.”






Breast Reduction

Reduction mammaplasty is a procedure done to remove excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin, in order to achieve a breast size proportionate with the body and to alleviate the discomfort associated with excessively large breasts.

Breast reduction doesn’t only consist of reducing breast size but first and foremost, the patient should feel confident that his cosmetic surgeon can both reduce breasts to the right size and create a better looking breast shape that looks natural with the body.
Making sure that your doctor is registered in LSPRAS ( is already the first step towards safety.

Graduated from New York University as a fellow of plastic surgery in 1990, Dr. Husami, MD, Cosmetic, Plastic and hand surgeon, explains that breast cosmetics surgery is all about shape and proportion. Only a skilled cosmetic surgeon can improve both, using breast reduction techniques tailored to a patient's unique needs.



A woman can have breast reduction surgery at any age, even as a teenager. But if the breasts aren't fully developed yet, she might need a second surgery later in life.
• Chronic back, neck and shoulder pain that requires pain medications.
• Chronic rash or skin irritation under the breasts.
• Nerve pain.
• Restricted activity.
• Poor self-image related to large breasts.
• Difficulty fitting into bras and clothing.


Breast reduction is performed using general anesthesia or intravenous sedation with local anesthesia.
The doctor will recommend the best choice for his patient.

It can take months for the swelling to completely go down and the surgical scars to fade. Although breast shape and size can change due to factors such as aging and weight gain or loss, the final result is generally permanent.


Vertical or “Lollipop”
Patients who need a moderate reduction in breast size and have obvious sagging are often good candidates for a vertical breast reduction.

Incision pattern: This involves two incision sites: One is around the edge of the areola, and the second one runs vertically from the bottom of the areola to the crease beneath the breast.
This incision pattern allows a cosmetic surgeon to remove excess fat, skin and breast tissue, reshape the new smaller breast internally, and lift the breast into a more youthful position.

Scars are limited to the area below the nipple and therefore can be easily hidden beneath a bra or bikini top.

Inverted-T or “Anchor”
This technique is the best choice for patients who need an intensive breast size reduction and has considerable sagging or asymmetry to correct.
It allows tissue removal and reshaping to the highest extend.

Incision pattern: Three incisions are involved; one around the edge of the areola, one vertically from the areola to the breast crease, and one made along the crease underneath the breast.

Scars are below the nipple and along the crease beneath the breast. With proper care, scars typically fade considerably over the first year or so after surgery and are easily concealed by clothing.

Breast reduction surgery has the same risks as any other type of major surgery as bleeding, infection and an adverse reaction to the anesthesia.
Other possible risks include:
• Temporary Bruising.
• Delayed scars healing due to sutures’ allergy and smoking.
• Removal of or loss of sensation in the nipples and areolae.
• Difficulty or inability to breast-feed.
• Differences in the size, shape and symmetry.

• Breasts will probably feel tender and sensitive.
• Breasts might be swollen and bruised.
• An elastic compression bra to protect the breasts is recommended.
• Limited physical activity for two to four weeks.
• Scars typically fade considerably over the first year.













Results are almost immediate; with the ear permanently positioned closer to the head, surgical scars are either hidden behind the ear or well hidden within the natural creases of the ear.

Otoplasty is performed using general anesthesia or intravenous sedation with local anesthesia.