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"Our bodies are our gardens ,

“Criminals usually prey on weakness. They can smell it.”

Steven Seagal








Child sexual abuse is a significant problem in our society.
Children may be abused (most likely) by family members or non-family members; however, only 14% of children are abused by someone they do not know.


Statistics has shown that a majority of child molesters are typically male. This doesn't mean that a woman can't be a pedophile; it is just less frequent.
• Pedophiles are notoriously friendly, nice, kind, engaging and likeable.
• They target their victims, often insinuating themselves into that child's life through their family, school, house of worship, sports, and hobbies.
• Pedophiles are professional con artists and are experts at getting children and families to trust them.
• Pedophiles will make you believe they are trustworthy.

Pedophiles are sick individuals but they look just like everyone else.
They implant themselves in everyday society and spend an inordinate amount of time with kids, and don't have any of their own.

Instead of trying to identify a predator, try to make your child a challenging target. Pedophiles do not want a challenge.
They want a vulnerable child.


• Grooming: the predator chooses a target area. Places where children are likely to go: schools, shopping malls, playgrounds, and parks.
• Victim selection: predators often target children with obvious vulnerabilities. Children with family problems, who spend time alone and unsupervised, who lack confidence and self-esteem, and who are isolated from their peers are all likely targets.
• Gifts: Predators may offer to play games, give rides, or buy treats and gifts as tokens of friendship. They may sometimes offer drugs or alcohol to older children or teenagers. And are very good listeners.
• Internet: The internet provides a large pool of potential victims for child pornographers and pedophiles.
• Isolation: Predators will constantly try to isolate his victim from friends or family in order to be alone and unsupervised.
• Physical Contact: The first physical contact between predator and victim is often nonsexual touching designed to identify limits: an “accidental” touch, an arm around the shoulder, a brushing of hair.


• Talk to your kids early and often. Teach them to self-protect.
• Explain things in terms they can understand, such as good and evil.
• Tell your kids to avoid strangers.
• While it's important for children to respect adults and those in authority, give them permission to act impolite, rude, or scream and yell when they feel they are in danger. Let them know they will not get in trouble if they were mistaken.
• Children should never wear clothes displaying their name. When they hear someone use their name, they often believe it's a signal for safety.
• Watch your kids! Keep a close eye on them.
• Let your child know he/she can talk to you about anything and everything, including body parts.
• Know how to monitor the computer. Predators will try and groom a child over the Internet and then try and set up a meeting in the real world.
• Stay involved in your child’s activities. Meet your child’s teachers, coaches, and activity leaders. Keep track of where, and with whom, your child is if she or he is not with you.
• Teach your children that they should not be asked to touch anyone in the bathing suit areas of their body or allow anyone to touch them in those areas.

It's not good enough to tell a child to avoid strangers.
Most child molestation's are committed by someone
known to or related to the child.



Is one who is primarily attracted to prepubescent children.

CHILD MOLESTER is anyone who molests a child, regardless of their sexual attractions or preferences.

Is someone attracted to mid-to-late adolescents.

Is one who is primarily attracted to young to mid-teens.